Useful Tips for NEET Preparation and Examination

Useful Tips for NEET Preparation and Examination

Tips and Tricks for Preparation

 You have to first decide your goal. If you are aiming for just selection, then you should score in
the following manner

Biology- 320 marks (M.M. – 360 Marks)
Chemistry- 150 marks (M.M. – 180 Marks)
Physics- 70 to 90 marks (M.M. – 180 Marks)
Total- 540-560 marks out of 720 Marks.

 But if you are aiming a high rank, obviously you have to score more than 135 marks in physics as well.

 Always start attempting the examination paper with Biology, followed by chemistry and finally

You should be thorough with NCERT books. Every year around 75% questions are directly from

 The weightage is more on class 11th syllabus.

 Focus more on bold words, Graphs (curves), reactions, diagrams and their captions, tables and
other illustrations.

 Always revise a particular chapter (theory) and then start attempting the questions based on that.
This way you will be able to identify your weakness. If you score less, then study the chapter
again and clear the doubts with your respective teachers

 Now almost 75 days are left for the exam, you should start practicing mock tests and previous
years’ papers at home. At a single sitting you should attempt 90 biology questions in 40-45
minutes, 45 chemistry questions within 55-60 minutes and 45 physics questions within 55-60
minutes, (always practice questions at home by managing an alarm clock). Keep 15 minutes for
the revision.

 Also start practicing the questions by filling the OMR (Optical Mark Reader) sheet.

Start solving previous years question papers (2008 and after). It will give you an idea about the
pattern of the exam.

Tips for Biology Preparation

 Since 2008 in AIPMT biology exam, following topics have more weightage. Revise these
chapters very nicely.

 Ecology and Environment.
 Biotechnology and Applications of Biotechnology.
 Genetics and Molecular Biology.
 Morphology of Plants and Animals.
 Reproduction in Plants and Animals.
 Human Physiology

Tips for Chemistry Preparation

 Chemistry is a versatile subject as it is divided into three portions viz, Inorganic, Organic and
The preparation for
  •  Physical chemistry should be like that for physics; 
  • Inorganic should be like that for biology, 
  • but for Organic chemistry, the preparation should be based highly on understanding the mechanisms of reactions.

 Since 2008 in AIPMT Chemistry exam, following topics have more weightage. Revise these
chapters very nicely.

 General Organic Chemistry (GOC).
 Mole Concept.
 Periodic Table.
 Chemical Bonding.
 Coordination Compounds.

Tips for Physics Preparation

 In Physics, focus equally on solving numerical and not much on theory. Now it’s time for smart
studies rather than studying everything. You have to be choosy about your books, topics and

 In physics the most important part is development of concept. You should have good power of
recalling the formulae and apply them accordingly.

 The deciding factor in medical entrance examinations is Physics as it is considered tough for
medical students. Hence it is highly recommended to clear the concepts very nicely.

 Since 2008 in AIPMT Physics exam, following topics have more weightage. Revise these
chapters very nicely.
 Mechanics
 Thermodynamics.
 Nuclear Physics.
 Electrostatics and Capacitance.
 Optics 

We even suggest you to have a look at these small and easy lessons


Tips and Tricks for Attempting the Exam

 The main problem is that students get emotional with some tough questions and waste the time in
solving them. Use of Tick, Cross and Circle method is highly recommended.

✅: A tick indicates that you have attempted the question and bubble is filled in the OMR sheet.
❌: A cross indicates that the question is too hard and you are not going to attempt it. Also the
bubble in the OMR sheet is not filled.
: A circle indicates that you can solve the question but it is tricky and at this moment you are
confused. Do not solve it now and do not waste time on it now. You will try it at the last when
time permits. The bubble in the OMR is also not filled for this question. At last solve the question
and fill the bubble hand-to-hand.

 Avoid the habit of making wild guesses. If you are not able to get the answer, better leave it. Each
wrong answer puts you 5 marks down.

 Be cool and calm, have patience and attempt the paper with high concentration.
BEST OF LUCK and share the article with all your friends and watch this to Solve inorganic chemistry easily


  1. There are massive internet resources if you want to easily build your study time table. In fact one doesn’t have to leave the home because the online courses are providing way effective resources. I also have been using the online New York Bar Exam Course and hoping that I would be able to pass this exam in first attempt.


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