Hi guys.This is my new post on living world.If you haven't read the previous ones,use the links mentioned below

Click here to read living world Part 1

Click here to read living world Part 2

In this article,we will see in detail about the topic 'living world' beyond NCERT limits.To read the brief notes on NCERT limits,click on the above mentioned links


can be of two types

  1. Intussusception-addition of materials inside the body
  2. Accretion-addition of materials on the outside
Substances added can also be of two types
  1. Protoplasmic substances-components of living matter
  2. Apoplamic substances-non living materials
Growth cannot be a defining character for living


can be of two types
  1. Catabolism-breaking down,release energy Eg:Respiration
  2. Anabolism-building up,consume energy Eg:Photosynthesis
Metabolism can be considered as a defining character

Some important binomial names

  1. Allium cepa - Onion
  2. Triticum aestivum- Wheat
  3. Solanum melongena- Brinjal
  4. Rosa indica- Rose
  5. Columba livia- Pigeon
  6. Panthera leo- Lion
  7. Canis familiaris- Dog
Short notes:
  • Taxonomy is coined by De candolle
  • Linnaeus-Father of taxonomy,gave artificial system of classification,gave hierarchical system
  • Taxonomical hierarchy = Linnaean hierarchy
  • Theophrastus-Father of Botany and Ecology,first found Botanical gardens
  • H Santapau-Father of Indian systematic botany(Taxonomy)
  • Some hybrids which includes both sterile and fertile ones
  1. Mule(sterile)-Female horse and Male donkey
  2. Hinny(sterile)-Male horse and female donkey
  3. Tigon(fertile)-Male tiger and female lion
  4. Liger(fertile)-Male lion and female tiger
  • Herbarium sheets are sprayed with insecticides like naphthalene and camphor and fungicides like 0.1% mercurric chloride
  • First Zoo in India was setup in 1855 in Chennai
  • The Central Zoo Authority(CZA) manages all the zoos in India
  • Tribe is a taxonomical hierarchy seen in between family and genus
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